Working for Brazilian Internet
In the end of 2013 I entered in a selective process to work for Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do .BR (Nic.BR), that is the brazilian company that manages the national domain names as well as developments of many projects related to internet optimization and surveillance. In Nic.BR I was part of the team that developed and implanted Monitor Banda Larga project, in cooperation with Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo. My tasks and works were within multi-platform application development (mobile and desktop), continuous integration tools, and lectures in technology events. I’ve worked in Nic.BR until Dec/2015, when I received a proposal of Mercado Pago. Image 1: Monitor Banda Larga, a project in partnership with FIESP.
Parallel Works and Entrepreneurship
Between the years of 2014 and 2017, I’ve worked as freelance in some really interesting projects like Domotica MyWay (house automation app) and eCommerce. Also, I had created with some colleagues my first Startup (Agendalize, 2014) as a platform for beauty salon scheduling. Image 2: Scheduled events in MyWay Android. Image 3: Some screenshots of Agendalize Android app.
Switching of Directions
In the final of 2015, I’ve received a proposal of Mercado Livre, to work within Mercado Pago department with development of plugins for e-Commerce. That was a great switch in my career, as my background formation and works were always with technology as core business. In Mercado Pago, soft skills and sales are the core business, and of course any area inside the company should be influenced by this type of culture. Ok, challenge accepted!